React Vs. React Native: How to choose the right technology?

React vs. react native

The confusion between React and React Native primarily stems from their names and shared origin. Facebook introduced both; both employ component-based architecture, and both use JavaScript. Those unfamiliar with their difference often end up comparing React vs. react native, like react native vs. Flutter, to choose the right tech stack for their project.  Their name gives the impression that they are the same or at least very similar.

React JS:

React, originally termed “React.js,” is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was developed by Jordan Walke, a software engineer at Facebook, and was first introduced in 2011 at Facebook’s newsfeed feature.

React gained rapid popularity due to its unique approach of breaking UIs into reusable components and its virtual DOM implementation, which optimized rendering performance. The idea was to create fast, scalable, and simple user interfaces. React was then open-sourced at JSConf US in May 2013.

React Native:

Inspired by React’s architecture and potential, Facebook introduced React Native in 2015 during their F8 conference. React Native leverages the same design as React, letting developers use a similar component-based structure and React native IDEs to create native applications for both iOS and Android. 

Instead of targeting the browser, React Native targets mobile platforms, allowing JavaScript to be executed on the device and interact with native APIs. React Native allows developers to write native apps using a familiar web development paradigm.

React Vs. React Native: Similarities

1. Developer-Friendly

Both React and React Native are developed and maintained by Facebook. As a result, they share a similar design philosophy, developer tools, and development patterns, making it easier for developers to transition from one to the other.

2. Component-Based Architecture

Both React and React Native are built around component-based architecture. They allow developers to create reusable UI components, which promotes code modularity and maintainability.

3. JavaScript

React and React Native both use JavaScript for writing code. This enables developers to utilize their existing JavaScript knowledge and skills when working with either technology.

4. Virtual DOM

React and React Native employ a Virtual DOM (Document Object Model) to update and render user interfaces efficiently. This approach minimizes the need for direct manipulation of the actual DOM, resulting in improved performance.

5. Hot Reloading

React and React Native offer hot reloading, allowing developers to see the immediate effects of code changes without the need to refresh the application manually. This speeds up development and testing.

6. Declarative Syntax

Both technologies use a declarative syntax to define UI components. Developers describe what the UI should look like based on its current state, and React handles the rendering logic. It makes the code more predictable and easier to understand.

7. Large and Active Communities

React and React Native have large and active communities of developers. This means there are extensive resources, documentation, and third-party libraries available to help developers learn, troubleshoot issues, and enhance their projects.

8. Code Reusability

While the degree of code reusability varies, both React and React Native promote the idea of reusing components and some business logic. React Native, in particular, allows for a significant amount of code sharing between iOS and Android platforms.

9. State Management

Both React and React Native allow for various state management approaches, such as React’s built-in useState and useReducer hooks or external libraries like Redux, to manage the state of the application.

React Vs. React native: Differences

1. Platform:

  • React: React is primarily used for building web applications. It targets web browsers as its runtime environment, rendering HTML and CSS for the web.
  • React Native: React Native is designed for building mobile applications that run on iOS, Android, and potentially other platforms. It compiles to native code and runs on mobile devices, allowing for native mobile app development.

2. Components:

  • React: React components are built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (JSX). Developers use JSX to define the structure and appearance of components, which are rendered in web browsers.
  • React Native: React Native components are composed of native UI elements provided by the respective mobile platforms. Developers use React Native components like <View>, <Text>, and <Image> that map to native UI elements on iOS and Android.

3. Styling:

  • React: Web developers use CSS for styling React components. They have access to styling frameworks like Bootstrap and Sass to manage design and layout.
  • React Native: React Native does not use CSS. Instead, it employs a JavaScript-based styling approach using a style object resembling inline styles. This approach ensures consistency with native UI guidelines.

4. Development Environment:

  • React: Web development with React typically occurs in standard web development environments using browsers, text editors, and tools like Chrome DevTools.
  • React Native: Developing with React Native often involves setting up platform-specific development environments. For iOS development, macOS and Xcode are required, while Android development requires Android Studio and the Android SDK.

5. Performance:

  • React: React web apps rely on the performance of the user’s web browser for rendering. Performance can vary depending on the browser and device.
  • React Native: React Native apps deliver native-like performance because they utilize native UI components. They can access device-specific optimizations and GPU acceleration, resulting in smooth and responsive user experiences.

6. Deployment and Distribution:

  • React: Deploying a React web application typically involves hosting it on web servers or cloud platforms and configuring domain names and SSL certificates for secure access. Distribution is done through web URLs.
  • React Native: Mobile apps built with React Native must be packaged and distributed through app stores (e.g., Apple App Store, Google Play Store). This process involves complying with each store’s submission guidelines, which can be more complex than web deployment.

7. Ecosystem and Third-party Libraries:

  • React: The React ecosystem is centered around web development and offers a vast collection of third-party libraries and tools tailored for web applications.
  • React Native: React Native has its ecosystem, with libraries and modules specific to mobile app development. While some React libraries can be used in React Native, many require adaptation or replacement to work seamlessly with native mobile platforms.

Advantages and Disadvantages of React


  1. Declarative Programming Style: React’s declarative approach allows developers to describe how the UI should look based on the application’s state. This makes it easier to understand and maintain code because you focus on what the UI should display rather than the step-by-step instructions to achieve it.
  2. Virtual DOM for Efficient Rendering: React uses a Virtual DOM (VDOM) to optimize the rendering process. Instead of updating the entire DOM tree when changes occur, React compares the virtual representation of the DOM with the previous one and only updates the parts that have changed. This results in faster and more efficient rendering, especially in complex applications.
  3. Large and Active Community: React has a vast and active community of developers, which means there is an excess of resources, libraries, and third-party tools available. This community support makes finding solutions to common problems easier, staying updated with best practices, and getting help when needed.


  1. Can Be Difficult to Learn for Beginners: React’s component-based architecture and the use of JSX (JavaScript XML) can be challenging for beginners to grasp initially. It requires a shift in thinking compared to traditional HTML and JavaScript development. However, React can be a powerful tool once the concepts are understood.
  2. Can Be Slow for Rendering Complex or Dynamic Content: While React is efficient for most scenarios, it can face performance issues when dealing with complex or highly dynamic user interfaces. In such cases, optimizing the component structure and using memoization or implementing shouldComponentUpdate can help mitigate these issues.

Advantages and Disadvantages of React Native


  1. Native-Like Performance: React Native app development services allow you to build mobile applications that deliver performance similar to native apps. This is because React Native compiles native code, enabling smooth animations and responsive user interfaces.
  2. Cross-Platform Development: With React Native, you can write a single codebase that works on iOS and Android platforms. This significantly reduces development time and effort compared to maintaining separate codebases for each platform.
  3. Large and Active Community: React Native has a thriving and active developer community. This means you can find a wealth of resources, libraries, and third-party modules to enhance your app development process. The community also provides support and shares best practices.


  1. Can Be Difficult to Learn for Beginners: React Native uses a combination of JavaScript and native components, which can be challenging for beginners to grasp. Understanding the nuances of React Native’s architecture and integrating with native code can be complex.
  2. Can Be Challenging to Debug: Debugging React Native apps can be more challenging compared to web development due to the interaction between JavaScript and native code. Tools like React Native Debugger and Reactotron help, but debugging can still be complex, especially for complex apps.
  3. Not All Native APIs Are Available: While React Native provides access to many native modules and libraries, there may be cases where certain platform-specific features or APIs are not readily available. This may require writing native code or using third-party libraries to bridge the gap, adding complexity to the development process.

Examples of Popular Apps Built with React and React Native

React and React Native are two powerful JavaScript libraries used for building web and mobile applications, respectively. They have gained immense popularity in the development world due to their efficiency, flexibility, and performance. Many well-known companies and startups have harnessed the capabilities of React and React Native to create stunning and user-friendly applications. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most popular apps built with these technologies.

Apps Built with React

1. Facebook:

Facebook, the social media giant, is one of the pioneers of React. They initially developed React to improve the performance of their website. React’s virtual DOM and component-based architecture allowed Facebook to efficiently update user interfaces and handle complex interactions, making it an essential part of their front-end development stack.

2. Instagram:

Instagram, a subsidiary of Facebook, also uses React extensively. The photo-sharing platform relies on React to provide a smooth and responsive user experience, especially on the web version of the application. React’s reusability and component-based structure enable Instagram to maintain a consistent look and feel across platforms.

3. Netflix:

Netflix, the world’s leading streaming service, uses React for its web application. React’s ability to handle complex user interfaces and optimize performance aligns perfectly with Netflix’s need to deliver high-quality video content seamlessly to millions of users.

4. Airbnb:

Airbnb, the popular online marketplace for lodging and travel experiences, utilizes React for its web platform. React’s component-based approach allows Airbnb to create dynamic and interactive property listings and booking processes.

Apps Built with React Native

1. Discord

Discord, a popular communication platform for gamers and communities, adopted React Native for its mobile applications. React Native enables Discord to provide a consistent and responsive experience across iOS and Android devices, catering to its diverse user base.

2. Instagram

Instagram makes another appearance on this list, highlighting the versatility of React Native. The mobile version of Instagram benefits from React Native’s ability to share code between platforms, resulting in faster development and easier maintenance.

3. Facebook

Similar to Instagram, Facebook also leverages React Native for its mobile applications. This choice allows Facebook to streamline development processes and deliver a consistent user experience to its mobile app users.

4. Uber Eats

Uber Eats, the food delivery platform by Uber, relies on React Native for its mobile app. React Native’s cross-platform capabilities help Uber Eats maintain a single codebase for both iOS and Android, saving time and resources in development.

React Vs. React Native: Use Cases

Depending on your project requirements, you may choose to use React for web applications or React Native for mobile applications. Let’s explore the specific use cases for each of these technologies.

When to Use React:

  • React is an excellent choice for building dynamic and interactive web applications. Its component-based architecture simplifies UI development and promotes code reusability, making it easier to manage complex user interfaces.
  • If you need to create cross-platform desktop applications, combining React with Electron is a powerful option. Electron allows you to package web applications into standalone desktop apps for Windows, macOS, and Linux, while React handles the user interface.

When to Use React Native:

  • React Native is the ideal choice when developing mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms. It allows you to write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms, saving time and resources compared to developing separate native apps.
  • React Native’s primary strength lies in its cross-platform capabilities. If you want to reach a broad audience without the need for platform-specific development teams, React Native is the way to go. It enables you to share a significant portion of your codebase between iOS and Android applications, maximizing code efficiency.


The choice between React and React Native ultimately depends on your project’s objectives and target platforms. Choose React if you are building a web or cross-platform desktop application using Electron. Your focus is on web development; you don’t need to create native mobile apps.

Choose React Native if your primary goal is to develop mobile applications for both iOS and Android. You want a truly cross-platform solution, minimizing duplicate development efforts. You require a native look and feel for your mobile app.

React and React Native are versatile tools that empower developers to create stunning web and mobile applications. By aligning your project’s requirements with the strengths of these technologies, you can make an informed choice that ensures a successful and efficient development process. Whether crafting web experiences with React or building mobile apps with React Native, both libraries offer robust solutions to help you bring your vision to life.

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