Why React Native Is Better Than Native?

React native vs. native development

As mobile apps are becoming a trend, picking up the proper framework makes a big difference in order to ensure that business goals and user satisfaction are realized. 

React Native vs. Native development are two prominent approaches. While the former provides high performance and access to device-specific features, the latter provides a more flexible and cost-effective solution across different platforms. 

While both have unique strengths and weaknesses, many businesses are quickly opting for React Native. This blog will help to point out the differences between the two, focusing on why react native is better than native development. 

Understanding React Native Development

Facebook developed React Native, an open-source framework for changing the way mobile applications are built. It collaborates with JavaScript and React to empower developers to produce mobile apps that function on iOS and Android with just one codebase. This method contrasts sharply with traditional Native development, where codebases have to be created for each platform.

The core idea behind React Native is to write code once and run it anywhere. It enables a developer to write most of their code in JavaScript while rendering native elements directly on mobile platforms. Development is faster and more efficient because a common codebase allows updates and patches to be applied simultaneously across both platforms.

The architecture also integrates really well with existing Native apps, allowing the introduction of React Native components into a Native codebase. This flexibility and the fact that this framework can use a rich ecosystem of JavaScript libraries and tools make it much easier, with reduced costs and time-to-market. 

Because of this, many companies have chosen React Native to develop high-quality mobile applications without having to deal with the hassle of maintaining different codebases.

Benefits and Limitations of React Native 

React Native Benefits:

  • Cross-platform Development: A single codebase in React Native works on iOS and Android, reducing the development time and cost.
  • Hot Reloading: This allows a developer to view changes instantly without rebuilding the app, accelerating the pace of development.
  • Community Support: React Native has active community support, which allows users to access many resources, libraries, and third-party plugins.
  • Cost-Effective: Development in a single codebase will save development costs and resources, making it attractive to startups and small businesses.

React Native Limitations:

  • Performance: While React Native apps perform well, they may not be perfect as fully Native apps on complex or graphics-intensive applications.
  • Less Access to Native Features: Some features specific to the platforms need additional work, even sometimes writing certain app parts in Native code.
  • Learning Curve: This might be challenging for developers accustomed to Native development to adapt to JavaScript and React.

Understanding Native Development

Native development means developing mobile applications, especially for one platform like iOS or Android. These applications are made with platform-specific languages—Java or Kotlin for Android, Swift or Objective-C for iOS. This approach gives an application full optimality on the platform, high performance, and access to the device’s features.

Because native apps are directly compiled into the device’s machine language, they enhance efficiency and speed, particularly for demanding applications like gaming or complex graphics. Native development also allows full access to hardware and system features, making it easier to create feature-rich, high-responsiveness apps that are ideal for the platform’s user experience standards.

However, as a different codebase is required for each platform, increasing development time and cost, native development is still preferred where performance and full access to platform-specific features are paramount for an application.

Benefits and Limitations of Native Development

Native Development Benefits:

  • Performance: Native applications have better performance, as they are developed and optimized for any platform.
  • Native Access to Platform Features: Native development gives access to full features of any platform, including software that provides access to hardware like cameras, GPS, and other system services.
  • User Experience: They have a smoother user experience with a uniform design according to the platform’s guidelines.

Native Development Limitations:

  • Cost: Separate apps for iOS and Android are costlier due to the development of two codebases and possibly even two development teams.
  • Time-Consuming: Maintenance and handling of two codebases take longer, delaying the app’s time-to-market.
  • Maintenance: Every update needs to be completed on both platforms individually, increasing workload and complexity.

React Native vs. Native Development: Key Differences 

Feature Native Development React Native
Codebase Separate for iOS and Android Single codebase for both platforms
Development Speed Slower due to dual codebases Faster due to code reuse
Performance Higher, optimized for each platform Good, but it can lag in complex apps
Cost Higher due to separate teams Lower, often by 30% or more
User Experience Highly tailored to the platform Good, but it may require additional work

Why is React Native better than Native? 

React Native offers a balanced and pragmatic solution for modern mobile app development. While native development can provide the highest possible level of performance and should be a target for applications requiring complex functionality or complex integration with platform-specific features, in most other app projects, React Native could be the better choice. This is because it’s cost-effective, fast in development, and cross-platform.

React Native now enables the sharing of the same code base between iOS and Android. This reduces the time and resources needed for app development, testing, and maintenance. This approach not only speeds up development but also makes update and bug-fix procedures easier because their implementation becomes uniform across both platforms. 

The most crucial advantage of React Native from a business point of view is its time-to-market acceleration. It helps companies launch applications way faster than usual, giving them an edge over the competition and allowing them to iterate on user feedback in less time. This, coupled with the cost savings that React Native brings through reduced development efforts and the requirement of fewer specialized developers, makes it an attractive choice for any startup or enterprise. 

In addition, the robust ecosystem and significant community support in React Native give more effectiveness and flexibility to development with many ready-to-use components, libraries, and third-party plugins. While React Native won’t always be able to match up against the absolute performance of a fully native app, it is more than enough for most use cases: a frictionless user experience that meets the expectations of a broad audience

Overall, React Native enables businesses to reach more users in a shorter period, reducing development costs while maintaining a high standard of user experience. This technology is ideal for many different mobile app projects.

Brands using React Native 

Among the popular brands that have adopted React Native are:

    • Facebook: Even the authors of React Native use it in their mobile app.
    • Instagram: Instagram uses React Native to provide users with a constant user experience across platforms.
    • Airbnb: Even though Airbnb has transitioned from using React Native, it was instrumental in its early mobile development.
    • Walmart: Walmart uses React Native to ensure a smooth and unified app experience across platforms.
    • Tesla: Tesla uses React Native in its app, monitoring cars and power walls across iOS and Android. 
  • How can VisionX help?

VisionX provides customized React Native app development services to assist you in producing high-quality, vibrant mobile apps on iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase. 

Our skilled developer community takes time to understand your unique business goals and user needs, thus making sure that your app meets industry standards and engages users effectively. 

Whether you need a custom application, augmented reality features, or an enterprise-level solution, we will work closely with our clients throughout the development process to bring your vision to life and set your business up for success within the competitive mobile app marketplace. Let us help you turn your ideas into powerful mobile experiences! 


The choice between React Native vs. Native development depends on the needs of the project. React Native works especially well in cases where fast development, cost-effective solutions, and cross-platform applications are required. 

While the native approach itself offers superior performance and user experience for platform-specific applications, flexibility and advantages place React Native at the top of preferences for a great number of modern mobile app projects. 

React Native will be a powerful tool for any developer who wants to balance performance, cost, and time-to-market as the mobile landscape unfolds in the future

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