React Native Vs. Flutter: Similarities & Differences You Need to Know

React native vs. flutter


In this digital age, apps have become a cornerstone of our daily lives, from social networking to online banking. Choosing the right framework for your app is crucial if you’re looking to jump into this fast-paced environment, whether as a developer or a business owner. Two standout options are React Native and Flutter.

In today’s article, we will learn the fundamentals of react native vs. flutter. We’ll put React Native and Flutter under the microscope, comparing their similarities and differences. Whether you’re a budding developer eager to start your next project or a business seeking to scale up your digital presence, this article offers insights to make an informed decision.

Historical Context

Before we dive into the comparisons, let’s take a quick stroll down memory lane to understand the origins of these frameworks.

React Native

React Native is like the elder sibling in the mobile app development family. Developed by Facebook, it made its debut in 2015. Facebook wanted to create a framework for React Native developers to build mobile apps using JavaScript and React. It stemmed from the company’s challenges with sustaining high-quality apps that could run on multiple platforms. Over the years, React Native has matured and earned a reputation for being robust, thanks in part to its parent company’s push and the open-source community’s active participation.


Flutter, on the other hand, is a younger competitor but certainly needs to be noticed. Launched by Google in 2017, Flutter came onto the scene with the promise of a fresh approach to building beautiful apps that run at native speeds using the Dart programming language. Google’s idea was to provide a more expressive and flexible UI framework without sacrificing performance. Flutter quickly gained traction and has been growing due to ongoing support from Google and the software community.

Understanding where they came from can give us some context as we dive into their capabilities, helping us to choose the framework that best suits our needs.

React Native Vs. Flutter: Similarities

Let’s get into what makes React Native and Flutter similar. You’ll find that they share quite a few traits that have made them popular choices in the app development world.

Cross-Platform Capabilities

First off, both React Native and Flutter are what you call “cross-platform” frameworks. But what does that mean? Simply put, it means you can use one codebase to create apps for different platforms like Android and iOS. This is a big deal because it saves a lot of time and money. Imagine not having to write separate codes for Android and iOS! Both frameworks deliver on this promise, letting you reach a broader audience without doubling your effort.

Open-Source Nature

Next up, both are open-source. This techie term means the software is free to use, and anyone can contribute to improving it. Being open-source has its perks, one of which is strong community support. A bunch of developers around the globe continually improve the frameworks, fix bugs, and even create helpful tools that you can use for free. So, you’re not alone; a whole community is out there to help you.

Component-Based Architecture

Another thing that React Native and Flutter have in common is their component-based architecture. What’s that now? Think of it like building a house with Lego blocks. Each block, or ‘component,’ is a standalone piece of your app, like a button or a search bar. This makes it super easy to maintain and update your app. If you need to change something, you can do it in one component without messing up the whole app. Both frameworks follow this modular approach, making life easier for developers.

Hot Reload Feature

Have you ever made a tiny mistake in a recipe and wished you could fix it without starting all over again? Well, that’s what the “hot reload” feature is like for app development. Both React Native and Flutter offer this. If you make a small change in your code, you can instantly see its effect on the app without restarting the whole thing. This speeds up development big time, making it a breeze to experiment and get things just right.

Strong Company Backing

Last but certainly not least, it’s worth noting that both React Native and Flutter have the backing of major tech companies. React Native comes from the house of Facebook, while Flutter is Google’s baby. This isn’t just a remarkable fact; it’s a sign that these frameworks are reliable and here to stay. Big companies invest time and resources to ensure their frameworks are top-notch, so you can count on regular updates and strong community support.

React Native Vs. Flutter: Differences

Now that we’ve covered what makes React Native and Flutter similar, let’s switch gears and discuss their differences. Knowing these can help you pick the one that’s a perfect fit for your specific needs.


Firstly, the programming languages they use are different. React Native goes with JavaScript, a language so popular it’s almost like the English of the coding world. Many people know it, and there are many resources for it.

Flutter, on the other hand, uses Dart, a language developed by Google. Dart isn’t as well-known as JavaScript, but it’s growing in popularity. If you’re keen on trying something a bit newer, Dart in Flutter offers that opportunity.

User Interface

When it comes to the look and feel of apps, there are key differences, too. React Native uses what are called ‘native components.’ This means it relies on the building blocks provided by the specific operating system. So, on an iPhone, a React Native app development would use Apple’s own set of UI elements.

Flutter takes a different approach. It provides its own set of visual elements, known as ‘widgets,’ which are custom-built. This allows for more creative freedom, as you’re not restricted to the standard UI elements of the operating system.


Both frameworks aim to offer smooth, high-performance apps, but they achieve this in different ways. React Native is sometimes considered a bit slower because it uses native components. This means it has to rely on a ‘bridge’ to communicate between the native modules and the JavaScript code.

Flutter boasts better performance since it compiles native code directly without the need for a ‘bridge.’ Dart also helps optimize performance, making apps built with Flutter generally faster.

Ecosystem and Libraries

React Native has been around longer, which means it has a broader selection of libraries and tools you can use. Whether you need something for payment processing or image editing, there’s likely a React Native package for that.

Flutter is younger but catching up quickly. It also has a good range of libraries and packages, but you might find it somewhat limited compared to React Native, especially for specialized tasks like state management.

Community Support

React Native enjoys more extensive community support due to its extended presence and the widespread use of JavaScript. More developers are familiar with it, so you’ll likely get quicker help when you encounter issues.

Flutter’s community is smaller but growing fast. Because Google backs it, you can expect quality and frequent updates, even if the community isn’t as large as React Native.

Integration and Native Features

Both frameworks offer ways to use native modules, but they go about it differently. React Native requires you to write some platform-specific code if you want to access native features like the camera or GPS. It’s a bit more work but offers great flexibility.

Flutter allows for easier integration with native modules through its plugin architecture. However, you may be limited by what’s available in the plugin library, especially for less common tasks.

So there you have it—each framework has its own set of perks and quirks. Understanding these differences can help you make a smart decision for your next app project. Whether you go for React Native’s established reputation or Flutter’s creative freedom, you’ll be better informed to make the right choice.

Case Studies

Understanding the theories behind React Native and Flutter is all well and good, but let’s see these frameworks in action! Here are some examples of well-known apps built with each framework, which might give you some inspiration for your own project.

React Native

Facebook Ads Manager

The very team that created React Native used it to build Facebook Ads Manager. It showcases how effective the framework is for handling complex calculations and data.


Yes, the photo-sharing giant Instagram uses React Native for some parts of its app. This case study proves how adaptable React Native can be, even in a platform that relies heavily on native modules for photo editing and more.


Google Ads

Flutter’s parent company, Google, utilized it to create their Google Ads app. It offers a smooth user interface, proving how well Flutter handles a range of functionalities.


The massive Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba also uses Flutter for some of its mobile apps. It’s a testament to how scalable Flutter can be, accommodating millions of users efficiently.

When to Use What

Now, how do you choose between React Native and Flutter? Here are some guidelines to consider:

Go for React Native if:

  • You have a team familiar with JavaScript.
  • You need a mature framework with a lot of community-contributed libraries.
  • You’re building an app with more native functionalities, like the device’s camera or sensors.

Choose Flutter if:

  • You want a visually rich app. Flutter’s custom widgets can offer a unique user interface.
  • Your team is comfortable learning Dart or is interested in it.
  • You want an app that’s slightly more performant out-of-the-box.


We’ve gone through a whirlwind tour of React Native vs. Flutter, covering everything from their historical context to their performance and the well-known apps built with them. Both frameworks offer strong cross-platform capabilities, are open-source, and come with the backing of major tech companies. However, language, user interface, performance, and community support differ.

So, which one to choose? React Native offers maturity and a vast ecosystem for those comfortable with JavaScript. Flutter, while newer, provides more creative freedom in UI design and may offer better performance.

The decision ultimately boils down to your project’s specific needs and what you or your team are comfortable working with. Regardless of which path you take, both frameworks are solid options for modern app development. And remember, whether you go the React Native route or take a flutter at Flutter, you’re in good company!

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