Fast Company Listed VisionX Among 9 Other Companies

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We are proud to announce that Fast Company has named VisionX one of the ten most innovative VR/AR companies of 2020 – a ranking that puts us in the company of innovation giants like Microsoft and Snap. Fast Company is the world’s foremost business media brand, and its annual 50 Most Innovative Companies List, and the accompanying divisional and regional lists are an industry benchmark. We received this recognition as the result of a long and thorough due-diligence process that looks at both technological and financial criteria with a particular focus on impact.

We were chosen thanks to the value our 3D augmented reality applications bring to the online retail experience for both realtors and consumers. VisionX applications like Live Catalogue and Design My Space allow users to place digital objects, such as office furniture, in their real-life environment and see how that object looks from all angles, in granular detail, and in contrast with the rest of their room. Our products can be applied to multiple use cases to solve numerous challenges in various retail industry verticals.

Read about it here or in the March/April 2020 print edition of Fast Company Magazine.

Lead Image from Fast Company’s original article: “The 10 most innovative virtual and augmented reality companies of 2020”

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